Common Causes of Car Accidents #16: Cell Phone Use.
Think of all the ways you use your phone: checking social media, texting, playing music, getting directions, sending emails, answering a call.
Now think of all the times you’ve been behind the wheel and looked down at your phone for one of those same reasons.
Cell phone use is one of the leading causes of distracted driving accidents. As soon as your eyes leave the road, you are no longer fully paying attention to what’s around you. This means you no longer have the wherewithal to react safely and smartly if a car cuts in front of you or breaks quickly, if an animal, pedestrian, or cyclist crosses the road, if a light changes, if you pass through an intersection, or even if you veer out of your lane.
Utilize hand free features. Put your phone on silent/do not disturb. And always prioritize safety.
Injured because another driver was on their cell phone? There’s no excuse for distracted, dangerous driving. Call Multerer Law Firm at 716-882-8828 for your FREE case evaluation and let us fight to get you the compensation you deserve.