Common Causes of Car Accidents #15: Wrong-Way Driving.

Common Causes of Car Accidents #15: Wrong-Way Driving.

While driving the right direction may seem obvious, both distraction and impairment can lead to wrong-way accidents, especially on one-way residential roads or on/off-ramps.

Drivers who are inattentive, inebriated, or inexperienced may not notice or recognize directional signs and may enter one-way streets or highway ramps without realizing. This can lead to head-on collisions, side-swipes, and other accidents with the potential for serious, even deadly injuries.

Remaining aware of your surroundings while behind the wheel is one of the best things you can do as a driver to prevent wrong-way and other types of accidents. Familiarize yourself with directions ahead of time. Practice caution on unfamiliar streets. Always drive sober. And never drive if drowsy or exhausted.

Injured in a wrong-way accident? You could be entitled to compensation.

Call Multerer Law Firm at 716-882-8828 now for your FREE case evaluation.