Common Causes of Car Accidents #4: Not obeying yield or stop signs.
Like traffic lights, directional signs such as STOP or YIELD are a safety precaution that manage the flow of traffic, assign the right of way, and ensure the safety of drivers, cyclists, and pedestrians.
Commonly placed in neighborhoods or on the off-ramps of highways, STOP signs can be 2-Way or 4-Way. Failure to completely stop can result in a T-bone, front-end, or rear-end collision that can cause serious injuries. Failure to stop also puts pedestrians attempting to cross the road at risk of being struck.
Stay safe at intersections and:
- Be mindful of your surroundings
- Pay attention to other drivers who may be distracted or negligent
- Use turn signals to alert other drivers
- Watch for pedestrians and bicycles
- Always YIELD to oncoming traffic and never speed up to “beat” other cars
- Obey STOP signs and red lights
- Don’t assume other drivers will yield; be vigilant and practice defensive driving
Injured because another driver failed to stop or yield? You could be entitled to compensation. Call Multerer Law Firm at 716-882-8828 for your FREE case evaluation.