Common Causes of Car Accidents #2: Distracted driving.
One second is all it takes to get into an accident because as soon as you take your eyes off the road, you lose awareness of the car ahead of you, any light or traffic changes, and any unexpected obstacles, such as a child chasing a ball into the street, a dog running into the road, or a giant pothole.
Checking a map, texting, eating or drinking, scrolling through a playlist, unrestrained pets, applying makeup, turning to address a passenger in the backseat…all potential distractions that can lead to a car accident.
Protect yourself and others by eliminating distractions. Before driving:
- Set up voice commands to navigate, read or send messages, and control the radio.
- Turn on your phone’s driving mode app to limit or silence notifications.
- Familiarize yourself with the map directions so you don’t rely on a visual aid.
- Assign a passenger to perform any necessary tasks on your behalf, such as controlling the music.
- Properly restrain or contain your pets. (Never allow a pet to sit on your lap or be in the front seat!)
Were you injured because of a distracted driver’s negligence? Call Multerer Law Firm at 716-882-8828 for your FREE case evaluation.